Frequently Asked Questions

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Jonsteen’s 100% Guarantee

All of our products are guaranteed to both you, the seller, and to your customers.

Because live trees have a limited shelf-life (approx. three to four weeks), we work hard to find the sweet spot for order quantities and fulfillment timing; however, in the case that a tree perishes before selling, we are happy to credit the full cost of lost merchandise to your next order. Our Seed Grow Kits last indefinitely.

If your customer loses a tree, for whatever reason, we will replace it with a free small-sized seedling (customer pays shipping/handling only). Likewise, if a customer’s Seed Grow Kit fails to produce a seedling, or if a successfully germinated seedling perishes, we will send them fresh seed (and helpful growing tips) at no cost. These policies, along with our contact information, appear on all of our packaging.

Planting and Growing Instructions

Jonsteen’s Seed Grow Kits each include detailed step-by-step instructions, which lead through the whole germination and growing process, from cold-stratifying to transplanting.

Orders of Packaged Live Trees include a corresponding number of Jonsteen “tri-folds” — thorough transplanting and growing instructions — which we recommend be displayed near the trees in-store. These are in addition to the basic growing instructions found on the trees’ mini-greenhouse packaging.

Order Minimums

For the vast majority of our products, we do not require an order minimum. Only certain custom packaging options necessitate an order minimum, which is noted in those products’ descriptions.

Terms of Payment

We ask to charge a credit card on first-time orders*. Net 30 terms may be applied to all subsequent orders.

*All orders placed through our online store must be prepaid at this time.

Tree Species

Along with the Giant Sequoia and Coast Redwood, our nursery is home to many other valuable and interesting forest and landscape tree species, trees appropriate to climates and landscapes of all kinds around the country and around the world. Don’t hesitate to reach out to the experts at Jonsteen to help you find the right tree for your area.

Made in the USA

All of Jonsteen’s products are 100% made in the USA, from the packaging we use to the trees we grow from seed.

Retail Customers

Looking to buy trees or grow kits for your own home or garden? Head over to our retail nursery at!